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The Mission

Structures and processes have been the main target of intervention in many organizations for quite some time.

While these clearly have an important role to play, the importance of leadership and culture in driving the desired business performance is often underestimated.

Actually all structures and processes can turn out to be applied in dramatically different ways, depending on held beliefs around human performance.

Are people in essence seen as a problem to control or as a resource to harness?

Based on the most prominent thinking from the last three decades of safety science and more than 15 years of

experience in applying this knowledge towards different industries, NewView Consulting provides support and solutions on a broad spectrum.

This ranges from strategy building, leadership training and culture change programs, Competence building for organisational learning, especially in the discipline of incident investigation to assisting with design & revision of core safety management processes.

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Discussing the Numbers
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Strategy Building & Leadership

Leaderships ability to lead an organisation towards greater business performance is tightly connected to their attitude towards and understanding of safety.

Many organisations have successfully called for a strong commitment to safety, without providing sufficient direction.

NewView Consulting can help your organisation implement this important variable by building a strong directional foundation for building your strategy and turning it into tangible action.

Learning From Incidents

Incident Investigation still constitutes one of the most powerful tools for any organisation to learn about itself.

Harvesting the learning potential from such occurrences, however still remains a challenge and many reports remain stuck in proximal details of the latest incident combined with judgments of human performance, rather than explanations for why actions and assessments made sense at the time.

NewView Consulting provides solutions for all phases of incident management including competence building for both leadership and investigators.

NewView Consulting also performs Independent Incident Investigations on request 

Going Over Data

Processes & Performance

NewView Consulting provides support for building of robust processes in safety & risk management. 

This includes special expertise in performance monitoring and helping leadership making sense of the acquired performance data.

Deep Dive

What are the top safety-risks and where are the most significant areas fro improvement in your organisation?

NewView Consulting has specialised in performing Deep Dives.

These usually include a review of historical incident data and investigation reports and can be supplemented by focus group interviews or questionnaires.

The resulting report is handed over in a presentation meeting or workshop format and serves as a strong foundation for strategic developments and action plans. 

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About me

Marcian Tessin


I was originally trained as Air Traffic Controller from Statens Luftfartsvæsen, Denmark and have worked as such in area control centres in Copenhagen, Zürich and Geneva.

First hand experience with the Überlingen mid air collision in 2002, led me to commit my work to safety management and leadership, with focus on human and organisational factors. 

My roles, prior to founding NewView Consulting, have varied from leading investigations, developing and delivering leadership- and investigator training, to functioning as corporate adviser, and department head.

I have applied my knowledge in a range of high-risk domains, such as aviation, oil&gas, thermal power, offshore wind and power distribution grids.

My work is highly influenced by my studies with Prof. Sidney Dekker (MSc in Human Factors and System Safety from Lund University) and is devoted to translating safety scientific concepts and insights into tangible action for the business.

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